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ok aws generate

Generate AWS CLI configuration for AWS IAM Identity Center roles


Generate AWS CLI configuration for AWS IAM Identity Center roles.

Profile name template supports the following variables:

  • {{.SessionName}}: The name of the SSO session
  • {{.AccountName}}: The name of the AWS account
  • {{.AccountID}}: The ID of the AWS account
  • {{.RoleName}}: The name of the IAM role


ok aws generate \
  --sso-start-url "" \
  --sso-region "eu-west-1" \
  --template "ok-{{.AccountName}}-{{.RoleName}}"
ok aws generate [flags]


  -h, --help                   help for generate
      --region string          The default region for generated profiles (defaults to sso-region if not set)
      --session-name string    An optional name of the SSO session (defaults to the AWS IAM Identity Center instance identifier if not set)
      --sso-region string      The region of the AWS IAM Identity Center instance
      --sso-start-url string   The start URL of the AWS IAM Identity Center instance
      --template string        Go string template for generating profile names

See also

  • ok aws - Group of AWS related commands.