ok pkg update
Update Boilerplate package manifest and package configuration files
Update Boilerplate package manifest and package configuration files.
If no arguments are used, the command installs all the packages specified in the package manifest file.
If one or more output folders are specified, the command installs only the packages whose OutputFolder matches the specified folders. (OutputFolder is a field in the package manifest file.)
Set the environment variable BASE_URL to specify where package templates are downloaded from.
--disable-manifest-update Disable package manifest version updates (useful when using an external dependency manager like Renovate)
-h, --help help for update
-i, --interactive Select package(s) to install interactively
--migrate-config Automatically migrate package configuration files to the latest version, if possible (default true)
--update-schema Update the JSON schema for affected packages (default true)
See also
- ok pkg - Group of package related commands for managing Boilerplate packages.