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Copy RDS tags to snapshot

Affected versions

All RDS clusters and databases created before this update.


All resources created by Golden Path should have the same set of tags to ensure that we can search for anything that has been created in that stack.

The default for RDS is to not copy the original tags to any snapshots created. This update will ensure that all snapshots created from a RDS cluster will have the same tags.

The template was updated in #1033

Manual upgrades

To apply this upgrade, follow the steps described below.

Assumption: all configuration of RDS is located in database/

Step 1: Update args-rds-aurora

module "args_rds" {
-  source = ""
+  source = ""

Step 2: Enable copy tags

Add the configuration for copying tags to all snapshots:

   deletion_protection   = local.args_rds.deletion_protection
+  copy_tags_to_snapshot = local.args_rds.copy_tags_to_snapshot

Step 3: Update modules

Update args-rds-aurora by running: terraform init.

Step 4: Apply changes

Apply the changes by running terraform apply, the output should look similar to this:

# module.rds_aurora_serverless_main.aws_rds_cluster.this[0] will be updated in-place
~ resource "aws_rds_cluster" "this" {
    ~ copy_tags_to_snapshot               = false -> true
      id                                  = "heide-dev-main"
      tags                                = {
          "CreatedBy"   = "ok-golden-path"
          "Database"    = "heide-dev-main"
          "Environment" = "heide-dev"
          "Team"        = "heide"
      # (38 unchanged attributes hidden)

      # (2 unchanged blocks hidden)

# module.rds_aurora_serverless_main.aws_rds_cluster_instance.this["one"] will
# be updated in-place
~ resource "aws_rds_cluster_instance" "this" {
    ~ copy_tags_to_snapshot                 = false -> true
      id                                    = "heide-dev-main-one"
      tags                                  = {
          "CreatedBy"   = "ok-golden-path"
          "Database"    = "heide-dev-main"
          "Environment" = "heide-dev"
          "Team"        = "heide"
      # (29 unchanged attributes hidden)

      # (1 unchanged block hidden)

Step 5: Verify snapshot tags

Create a snapshot from the AWS console and verify that the database tags have been copied to the snapshot.